사진지식퀴즈 - II > 자유게시판

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사진지식퀴즈 - II

사진지식퀴즈 - II

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 2023-01-23 21:10 조회 2,403 댓글 1



21: What is the best way to adjust the “depth of field” of an image?

21. 사진의촛점심도(depth of field)무엇으로조절하나요?


A) The ISO

B) The shutter speed

C) The white balance

D) The aperture


22: The first digital image CCD chip was developed in 1973. What was the resolution?

22. 1973최초발명된CCD(이미지센서)해상도는?


A) 0.1 Megapixels

B) 1.0 Megapixels

C) 2.0 Megapixels

D) 2.1 Megapixels


23: What would you use an “extension tube” for?

23. 익스텐션튜브의용도는?


A) To increase the megapixel resolution of an image.

A) 사진의해상도를높이기위해서

B) To reduce the minimum focal distance of a lens.

B) 렌즈의최소초점거리를줄이기위해서

C) To extend the legs of a tripod beyond their standard length.

C) 삼각대의길이를초과해서다리를늘리려고

D) To join two or more lenses together into one.

D) 혹은이상의렌즈를하나로조합하려고


24: What would you use a “polarizing filter” for?

24. 편광필터의용도는?


A) To prevent over-exposure of snow at the North or South Pole.

A) 극지방()의한과다노출을방지함

B) To remove unwanted reflections from water or metallic surfaces.

B) 혹은금속면의반사광을없애려고

C) To darken the sky when shooting straight into the sun.

C) 태양정면사진을찍을하늘을어둡게하려고

D) To add a starburst effect to bright lights.

D) 밝은갈라짐효과를위해서


25: What does the term “Prime Lens” mean?

25. 프라임렌즈라는명칭의의미는?


A) The most expensive lens in your camera bag.

A) 가장비싼렌즈

B) The lens that you tend to use most often.

B) 가장자주사용하는렌즈

C) Any lens with a fixed focal length.

C) 고정초점거리렌즈

D) Any lens with a fixed aperture.

D) 조리개가고정된렌즈


26: What do we call the scattering of light particles (photons) as they pass around hard edges?

26. 빛의입자(광자)굳은모서리를통과할산란되는현상은?


A) Disruption (분열)

B) Diffraction (회절)

C) Diffusion (확산)

D) Deflection (지연)



27: What does the term “Dynamic Range” refer to?

27. 다이나믹레인지의의미는?


A) How much of your photo will be perfectly sharp and in focus.

A) 사진의초점이나선명도가얼마나좋은지

B) The (generally accepted) measure of how awesome your photo actually is.

B) 사진이얼마나좋은지의척도

C) The furthest (in miles) you’ve ever traveled to take a photo of something really amazing.

C) 놀라운사진을찍기위해여행했던가장거리(마일)

D) The difference (in luminosity) between the darkest shadows and the brightest highlights.

D) 가장어두운부분과가장밝은부분의차이(광도)


28: Which one of the following statements is (most) false?

28. 다음틀린것은?


A) Magenta is not a true color and is best described as “not green”.

A) 마젠타는트루컬러가아니고녹색이아님

B) The reflection of the sky can never be brighter than the sky itself.

B) 하늘의반사는절대하늘자체보다밝을없음

C) RAW files always capture accurate representations of every scene.

C) RAW 파일은항상모든장면을정밀하게표현함

D) All of the really great photographs have already been taken.

D) 가장훌륭한사진은이미촬영되었음


29: Which of the following statements is (most) true?

29. 아래설명가운데가장(최개한) 옳은것은?


A) The smaller the aperture the greater the depth of field.

A) 조리개가작을수록피사계심도가깊다

B) Always disable your camera’s image stabilization system when using a tripod.

B) 삼각대를사용할때는항상카메라의이미지안정화시스템을비활성화한다

C) Camera batteries always drain quicker in colder temperatures.

C) 카메라배터리는항상추운온도에서빨리소모됨

D) All of the above.

D) 모두 


Answers (전제 29문제 가운데 25문제 이상 맞췄다면 당신은 훌륭한 사진가입니다)

1C, 2B, 3D, 4A, 5D, 6B, 7C, 8D, 9B, 10D, 11A, 12D, 13B, 14A, 15B, 16C, 17A, 18D, 19A, 20C, 21D, 22A, 23B, 24B, 25C, 26C, 27D, 28C & 29D





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