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사진지식퀴즈 - I

사진지식퀴즈 - I

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 2023-01-23 21:15 조회 2,321 댓글 0



1: What was Ansel Adams’ middle name?

1. 안셀아담스의미들네임은 ?


A) Aaron

B) Orson

C) Easton

D) Irving


2: What is meant by the term HDR?

2. HDR  ?


A) Horrible Disgusting Revolting

B) High Dynamic Range

C) Histogram Display Rotation

D) Hue Displacement Reduction


3: Andreas Gursky’s “Rhein II” became the most expensive photograph ever sold when it was auctioned at Christie’s on November 8th, 2011. How much did the winning bidder pay for it?

3. Andreas Gursky’s “Rhein II” 2011 118크리스티경매에서최고가로팔렸습니다얼마일까요?


A) $1,889,750

B) $2,502,300

C) $3,227,175

D) $4,338,500


4: What camera was used by astronauts to capture the first photos on the moon?

4. 우주비행사가달에서처음어떤카메라로사진을찍었을까요?


A) Hasselblad

B) Minolta

C) Leica

D) Mamiya


5: Which of the following is not a tripod manufacturer?

5. 트라이팟제조회사가아닌곳은 ?


A) Manfrotto

B) Gitzo

C) Really Right Stuff

D) Grippon



6: What is the name of the equipment that is used to move the camera slightly between each photo in a time-lapse?

6. 타임랩스로촬영할사진사이에카메라를조금씩움직이기위해사용하는장비의이름은무엇인가요?


A) Trolley

B) Dolly

C) Brolly

D) Lazy Susan


7: A “tilt-shift” lens is most commonly used for what genre of photography?

7. 틸트쉬프트렌즈는어떤사진에사용되나요?


A) Landscape

B) Miniature (scale models)

C) Architecture

D) Wildlife


8: Why are people posing for late 19th and early 20th century portraits never smiling?

8. 19세기말과 20세기초의초상화등장인물들이절대웃지않을까요?


A) It was too difficult to hold a smile for the long exposures required in those days.

A) 당시에는장시간노출이요구되는상황에서웃는얼굴을유지하는것이너무어려워서.

B) Dental hygiene was not very advanced and people didn’t want to show their bad teeth.

B) 치아위생이그다지좋지않아사람들이나쁜치아를드러내고싶어하지않았음.

C) That was before anyone had discovered to tell these people to say “cheese”.

C) 사람들에게 "치즈"라고말하라고시키는것이시작되기전이었음.

D) Smiling for no reason was thought to be an indication of lower intelligence (or insanity).

D) 아무이유없이웃는것은낮은지능(또는미친사람)행실로생각되었음.


9: Who took the very first permanent photograph (in 1826)?

9. 최초의영구사진(1826)찍은사람은누구입니까?


A) Roger Fenton

B) Joseph Niépce

C) Louis Daguerre

D) Robert Cornelius


10: Which company invented the first digital camera?

10. 어느회사가최초디지털카메라를발명했을까요?


A) Sony

B) Nikon

C) Canon

D) Kodak


11: How was the first aerial photograph taken (in 1858)?

11. 최초의항공사진(1858)어떻게촬영했을까요?


A) By attaching a camera to a hot air balloon.

B) By attaching a camera to a bird.

C) By attaching a camera to a kite.

D) By attaching a camera to a rocket.


12: Which South African photographer was awarded a Pulitzer Prize in 1994 for his image of a vulture stalking a starving Sudanese child?

12. 1994굶주린수단아이를쫒는독수리사진으로퓰리쳐상을받은남아공사진작가는누구?


A) João Silva

B) Greg Marinovich

C) Ken Oosterbroek

D) Kevin Carter



13: Ansel Adams is best known for his iconic landscape photographs of which American National Park?

13. 안셀아담스는어느국립공원의사진으로풍경사진아이콘으로유명해졌나요?


A) Yellowstone

B) Yosemite

C) Glacier

D) Grand Teton


14: On a modern camera lens, if your aperture is set at f/2, how many f-stops must you go through to set your aperture to f/22?

14. 신형카메라에서조리개 f/2 f/22되려면단계를옮겨야할까요?


A) 7

B) 10

C) 12

D) 20


15: The “Zone System” is a photographic technique used for determining what?

15. "시스템"무엇을결정하는사용되는사진기술입니까?


A) Compositional balance.

B) Optimal exposure.

C) Ideal shutter speed for a moving subject.

D) Position of the sunrise and sunset.


16: Which one of the following is not a valid photographic term or technique?

16. 사진관련기술이나용어가아닌것은?


A) Reciprocity Failure.

B) Luminosity Masking.

C) Laminar Flow Detection.

D) Virtual Horizon.


17: The “BeetleCam” is a purpose-built device created in 2010 to capture photos of what?

17. "BeetleCam"무슨사진을찍기위해 2010년에특별히제작된장치입니까?


A) Dangerous wild animals.

B) Insects.

C) Vehicles traveling at high speeds.

D) Flying birds.


18: What does the term “Hyperfocal Distance” refer to?

18. Hyperfocal Distance(초촛점거리)의미는?


A) The maximum focal length of any lens.

B) The minimum distance from the lens that you can focus on.

C) The maximum distance from the lens that you can focus on.

D) The distance from the lens where all objects will be in focus.


19: What does the term “High Key Portrait” refer to?

19. High Key Portrait 의미는?


A) A photo of a person with bright light and no shadows.

B) A photo of a person smoking a marijuana joint.

C) A photo of a person taken at the top of a mountain.

D) A photo of a person wearing handcuffs or in custody.



20: What does it mean when you set your shutter speed to 125th?

20. 셔터스피드를 125놓았다는뜻은?


A) The shutter will remain open for 125 seconds.

B) The shutter will remain open for 1.25 seconds.

C) The shutter will remain open for 1/125th of a second.

D) The shutter will remain open for 1/125th of a millisecond.


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